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2009年12月29日 星期二 - Free Domain Name Registration - Free Domain Name Registration

They give you a free second level domain name for you to registration.

CO.CC:Free Domain

CO.CC:Free Domain

2009年12月2日 星期三

Linkbucks (chinese version) - post 網址賺錢

近排 , Forum界興起一種新玩意 , 就係透過 post 網址賺錢 .

連我都忍唔住玩左一陣 , 差唔多一日賺到10蚊美金.

我仲要係月頭收到錢 , 咁個個都咁賺錢 , D錢從邊度黎ga?


Earn money via posting a link

Hey guys

I will introduce this method to earn you easily $100 US a month with just half an hour work daily. Of course, this can method can earn you a lot more if you are committed in working hard. I know people making really quite a lot of money WITHOUT any money being invested just some of your free time.

Here we go: Sign up here

How it works?
The easiest way is to make yourself a blog or forum.
There are plenty of free blogs out there that you can choose. One of the easiest ones is blogger and you can manage it without much coding knowledge.

So what's next?
Share. Share and share.
Share all your cool music, pictures, series and movies with people. The stuff people like most are torrents and free software. I am sure everyone we have a lot of your special collections to share. The ideal way is to post all your links on to high volume forums. I think I will post a list of all the high volume forums I have later some time.

The idea is to keep updating your blog with new links converted from linkbucks, at the same time promoting your blog so you get more traffic to your site. After some time, your blog will receive quite decent traffic and you can then also put ads on your site like Google Adsense and other CPM ads.

All these programs together can really make you rich: LinkBucks+Adsense+CPMs = money

Try out this by first signing up linkbucks and then gradually develop your blog and you can soon find your earnings going mad.

freakshare - Make Money by uploading Files and sharing your Links

freakshare - Make Money by uploading Files and sharing your Links

Make Money by uploading Files and sharing your Links

Earn up to 20 € for 1000 Downloads.

透過上傳你欲分享的檔案供人下載,每一成功下載可獲得0.002~0.02歐元的收益, 1歐元約=47台幣/=11元港幣
